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Ghana Port and Harbour Authority


Ghana is in the process of building a new harbour at Tema close to the existing harbour. In spring 2019, NEK did a comprehensive survey of the new and old harbour perimeter thereby creating high resolution aerial images and a digital surface model. This data will be used for planning purpose for the possible installation of wind turbines at the new harbour perimeter or close by. The drone survey was conducted by one of our technician using our eBee drone.


  • Flight planning and execution

  • Processing of orthomosaic

  • Processing of Digital Surface and Terrain Model (DSM / DTM)

Technical data

  • Drone: eBee classic (sensefly)

  • Resolution: 3.6 cm/px

  • Number of flights: 26

  • Area covered: 160 ha


  • July 2019


  • Tema, Ghana